function [key_trace] = demo_dpa(workspace,first, last, method) %DEMO_DPA is a demo to illustrate DPA attacks % % DESCRIPTION: % % demo_dpa(workspace, first, last, method) % performs a DPA with the specified method on some keys for some data % % In the demo, the output of the AES SubBytes function is attacked. This % demo works for the two sample Matlab workspace "WS1.mat" and "WS2.mat". % Note that the power model is encoded in the demo. You need to look for % "bitget" and "byte_Hamming_weight". Further note that the entire % workspace is loaded to memory. This is no problem for WS1, but it might % be nasty for machines with low memory, when working with WS2. % % - workspace : the data that should be analyzed (traces, inputs) % % - first : keybyte to start with (1<=first <= 256) % - last : keybyte to end with (1<= first,last <= 256) % - method: defines the statistical analysis (either 'kocher' or % 'correlation') % % RETURNVALUE: % % key_trace: a matrix that consist of the DPA traces for the keybytes. % Although always a matrix with 256 rows is returned only the rows from % 'first' to 'last' contain meaningful results. % % EXAMPLE: % % keys = demo_dpa('',1,256,'correlation'); % Author: Elisabeth Oswald, 2.5.2004 % Last revision: 08.06.2006 % load data disp('Reading in data ...'); load('-mat',workspace); b=1; inputs=inputs(:,b); % predict the SubBytes output: SubBytes(XOR(key,data)) disp('Predicting intermediate values ...'); [m,n] = size(traces); key = [0:255]; after_sbox = zeros(m,256); for i=1:m after_sbox(i,:) = SubBytes(bitxor(inputs(i),key)+1); end key_trace = zeros(256,n); if (strcmp(method,'kocher')) % predict the power consumption disp('Predicting the instantaneous power consumption ...'); power_consumption = bitget(after_sbox,1); % correlate the predicted power consumption with the real power % consumption disp('Generating the difference traces ...'); for i=first:last key_trace(i,:) = sum(traces(find(power_consumption(:,i)==1),:)) - sum(traces(find(power_consumption(:,i)==0),:)); end end if (strcmp(method,'correlation')) % predict the power consumption disp('Predicting the instantaneous power consumption ...'); power_consumption = byte_Hamming_weight(after_sbox+1); % correlate the predicted power consumption with the real power % consumption disp('Generating the correlation traces ...'); chunksize=50; chunks=n/50; for i=first:last for j=1:chunks cmatrix= corrcoef([traces(:,1+(j-1)*chunksize:j*chunksize) power_consumption(:,i)]); key_trace(i,1+(j-1)*chunksize:j*chunksize) =cmatrix(chunksize+1,1:chunksize); end end end